More about me:

- I know the words to pretty much every Taylor Swift song, haha. I also love to listening to Shawn Mendes, Bon Iver, and Phoebe Bridgers, 

- Some of my favorite local spots to shoot photos are the East Shore of Tahoe and Donner Summit. 

- I'm all about deep conversations, let's skip the small talk!

- My go-to coffee order is an iced caramel macchiato or a chai latte. Speaking of coffee, I tend to consume a lot of it as a high-school student. 

- My most-used camera lens is my Sigma Art 35mm f/1.4. I love it's sharp detail and dreamy background.

- One of my biggest dreams is to thru-hike the 211 mile John Muir Trail in California,  (and of course take some epic photos along the way). I love challenging myself and spending time outside.

- I'm such a dog person, I will pet almost every dog I meet haha. It's never worked out for me to have a dog of my own but the second that I'm able to, I will!

- I'm happy anywhere there's water, especially if there's some fun cliffs to jump from. I'm definitely an adrenaline addict!



© Copyright Julianna Martin Photography